Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ordered me some bathing suits from Victoria's Secret, super pumped. Believe it or not this is the first time I'v ever ordered anything online, what do you guys think?


Anonymous said...


I was looking at your blog and I like it. I want to invite you to become my blog friend, and if you follow me, I will follow you...

What do you think?

I hope to hear from you soon.


alannah. said...

im in desparate need of new swimmers for summer. imay need to go give VS a look!x

That Girl Lucy said...

hot bikinis! i would the love the first in black....

SucceedingatFailing said...

having a quality bikini makes such a difference! these ones are lovely!

Kristen said...

first time you've bought anything online?! i honestly don't know what i would do if i couldn't buy online. that kind of amazes me haha. anyways, i really like these, especially the last one

*** said...

You are shocking me - first time ordering online? I am with Kristen - I buy mostly 80% online and I have that last VS suit and it is gorgeous. VS is the best for swimsuits - fun, sexy and affordable.

amanda archambault said...

I'm jelous.
#1. I need to stop eating sweets
#2 I need a tan
#3 She is to hot to stand.
Let's just say my figure isn't cute like that and I need to start doing some lunges lol

Visit my blog!

Valentina said...

the first one is perfect!! :D
I really like your blog, I'm following you!

yo said...

the first are lovely

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I buy most of my clothes online but I have to warn you though; once you get that package in the mail, it will become really addicting! :-)..I just bought a couple of underwear from VS; they always have cute stuff! xoxoxoxo

xx said...

the first time! it gets addicting! i love vs bathing suits

Indian Sarees said...

Great blog..